Friday, November 16, 2012

exciting times for BG

so, in case you are wondering how my holiday is going - oh my word. it is fab. just as byron predicted, i have NOT gotten bored but instead have had the most fun tinkering in all my projects around the house. i have painted furniture, made curtains, painted rooms, found trouble in antique stores, hung curtain rods in plaster which is not for the faint at heart, unpacked some items to decorate rooms, found more trouble in antique stores, distressed some furniture, planned some new designs, and did i mention finding trouble in antique stores?

i heart junk. and it hearts me. i just have to convince my husband. it is kinda like dogs. in my opinion...there is no such thing as too many. but then again, i've always been a bit of an extremist. ;)

anyways - back to focusing on the exciting news. 

years and years ago, when i was getting my feet wet with the beginnings of brownie-goose i went looking for help, opinions, advice, etc. from those already in the business of children's clothing. i contacted over 8 companies, and i only heard back from 1. and this wasn't just an email, this was a sweet girl who i knew was up to her eyeballs in her business and didn't have much spare time - and she said, "i'd love to help. please call me, let's chat. here is my number." i was floored. considering no one else was willing to help, and here was someone who obviously knew the game well offering to talk to me on the phone and help me out.

she was sweet and awesome and i was forever grateful that she was there for me, and most importantly...HONEST with me. for those of you in the world of children's clothing - you get it. it is not an easy world to be in. it is demanding, it is stressful, ever-changing and wild. don't get me wrong - i love it, but she was open and honest with me from the get go and warned me of the craziness of the world of kid's clothes.

anyways, imagine my surprise years later when she contacted me about using my designs in her clothing line. floored, actually is what it was. if i was a baboon, i would have climbed to the top of a tree and beat my chest and screamed over the jungle in celebration. instead, i did a little shaking of my booty celebratory dance on my kitchen floor. i mean, it is pretty similar to the whole baboon thing if you think of it. ;)

so, i was hush-hush and tight-lipped about it which you all know is NOT one of my strong points. i am the queen of sneaks. i cannot keep secrets. well, i did this time. :)

blessed be the name is featuring BG patterns in her collection this spring. oh my golly-gee-whillies. this momma bear is proud. BBTN is celebrating 10 years of being in the business, that is crazy awesome. and i am super excited to be a part of the collaboration. i just might go shake my booty again. 

so, head on over to her website and her blog to find more details. help her celebrate her anniversary too, she'd like that. i just know.

ps - while still on holiday - i have decided to have a cyber monday sale in which i will open the shop WITH a coupon code. did you just shake your booty? i saw you. more details will come on the blog later, i still have to figure them out. :)


Anonymous said...

Amy, that is super awesome and I am so proud of you and for you!!!! Congrats, girl!!!!

Tracy said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! Now I don't need to sew! LOL

Kosek Landing said...

Wow Amy! Congratulations!!! This is such a great big step! I'm so proud of you!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!! What an exciting step for you and BG!! You are so talented!!
Jenny Hall
Seamingly Smitten