are you singing along with little river band yet? and now that my life is so pre-arranged, i know that it's time for a cool change....
okay, although i am 'technically' still on maternity leave...we all know i have a hard time staying out of my sewing room. hence, you have seen some things going on with sales and BG originals and such.
okay, although i am 'technically' still on maternity leave...we all know i have a hard time staying out of my sewing room. hence, you have seen some things going on with sales and BG originals and such.
you may have even seen a small sneaker of the new line that will be....Daydream Believer.
but, what you haven't seen is an explanation of how in the world i am going to manage it all.
want to know why....yeah, i am still not sure how to swing it all. but i have made a decision. and it is one that i am hoping to be a good one.
BG is going solely etsy.
what does this mean to you? well, it means that i will not be taking orders by email. i will not be doing a lottery system and i will not being opening and closing orders as i have in the past. i have learned recently that my time in the sewing room has been cut very short due to a new baby, and is okay with me. i have said this from the get-go, family is first in my house. i love BG and i love to create, but my babies come first. but with my time cut short, i have realized how stressful it is for me to have orders pending. it is much easier on me, the seamstress to go into my room when i have time and create at my leisure. my creative juices flow a bit better this way. also, i was having moments of freak-out when thinking i may be facing up to 700 orders again this fall. i just can't swing it with 2 that way anymore. not right now, at least.
however, all this said...BG isn't going away. i will still be bringing some fabulousness your way in the way of outfits for your kiddos to wear, but it will be on a smaller scale.
as of now - my plans are to get some fun summer items made up and inventory boosted and list them in my shop. then, i am going to start work on Daydream Believer. i am not sure yet if this is going to work well, i never know until i try - but i do know that i needed a way to free up some of the email/website/business aspect of it so that i could spend as much time in the sewing room as possible.
you will be seeing some changes on the website in the coming weeks/month and instead of the BG fall line, you will start to see Daydream Believer make its debut. i am so stinking excited about that, especially the limited edition lola bells that i really feel i need to swing a pair for me. :)
so, what does this mean for you as a BG customer? bookmark my esty store.
also, stick with me on facebook as i have linked in my etsy there and it will probably notify when new listings come into the store.
so, a nutshell, BG is now on etsy only. hope you like the change. i hope it keeps me sane, and frees up a lot of time for sewing and my sweet kiddos. i mean, we don't need to see this pitiful face now do we?
and just to get you thinking and ready for it, check it. Daydream Believer. you know me, i am all weird and find sewing inspiration in songs. crazy, yep. certified, maybe. :) oh, and go ahead and sing will make you smile!
I think it's a wise decision! Both for you and the customers. That way, the early and quickest birds get the worms! Not the lucky ones :)
I love this plan. I have to be honest that I never understood exactly how the lottery worked or was on the ball enough to comment in time to get something on facebook. But etsy I know! Congrats!
sounds like a good plan. Etsy has been good to me over the years :)
P.S. customers can also subscribe to your shop's feed to get an email or rss reader update when you post items.
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