Saturday, January 11, 2025

All Access to BG!

Years ago when I retired, I had the grand idea to figure out a way for everyone to be able to access my sewing patterns. Well, somehow many years have passed and that hasn't happened yet - but thanks to being down and out from the flu today, I may have finally managed to succeed. Here is a link to a Google Drive folder that allows access to all of my BG patterns. This way - everyone is able to sew and keep the BG spirit alive! 

brownie-goose patterns

I hope everyone is well. I have to admit, I went down some memory lanes while going through to get all of these files together. I absolutely enjoyed every moment with all of you sewing, watching our kids grow, hoarding fabrics, etc. What a joy those years were! My Lou is graduating this year and I am over here wondering how in the world my 4 year old is graduating from high school! I bet all of you mommas out there know that feeling. Time flies!

I check my emails every now and then, so please feel free to send me pictures, questions, what have you to 

Happy sewing my dearies!
