okay, so as i have gotten quite the rep for being a tease lately (hehe) i will reward yall with an actual good-looking spoiler. the fabrics, wahoo!!

hope yall are liking them, i went on a limb with some and just wanted to make sure that your little tot wouldn't look like every other kiddo on the playground. they are fun and the colors are bold and fall-y and easy on the eyes. i've got some uber fun new patterns that i am not ready to debut just yet, but i am hoping it will be well worth the wait!
for those not on facebook, i finally revealed why i have been so shady and late on getting out this year's "brownie-goose get your fall on" line. i am preggo with a little boy and have been sick as stink for the last 2 months. the whole fatigue and varmiting (yes, not vomiting...it is known to me as varmiting) kinda puts a curve-ball into the time you plan in the sewing room. however, i am getting back into the swing of things and should get info out on this years lottery for orders soon.
just thought i would reward those patient peeps with some eye candy. :)
UPDATE: i am not taking orders now, but thanks for the enthusiasm to the senders of the emails i just got. :)

hope yall are liking them, i went on a limb with some and just wanted to make sure that your little tot wouldn't look like every other kiddo on the playground. they are fun and the colors are bold and fall-y and easy on the eyes. i've got some uber fun new patterns that i am not ready to debut just yet, but i am hoping it will be well worth the wait!
for those not on facebook, i finally revealed why i have been so shady and late on getting out this year's "brownie-goose get your fall on" line. i am preggo with a little boy and have been sick as stink for the last 2 months. the whole fatigue and varmiting (yes, not vomiting...it is known to me as varmiting) kinda puts a curve-ball into the time you plan in the sewing room. however, i am getting back into the swing of things and should get info out on this years lottery for orders soon.
just thought i would reward those patient peeps with some eye candy. :)
UPDATE: i am not taking orders now, but thanks for the enthusiasm to the senders of the emails i just got. :)