Monday, November 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Brownie-Goose!!

7 years ago I quit my day job. I had an almost 2 year old little girl that was not meshing well with daycare and a husband whos residency schedule was out of control. I am one of the few fortunate people that adore my career. I was a pediatric nurse and I loved every minute (well, maybe not every minute...hello walk in shots during flu season) of it. But, I took off my scrubs, put on my big girl panties and ventured out into the world of unemployment. 

Did I mention my husband was a resident? Right... so, that unemployment wasn't going to last long. The few pennies Byron earned were all accounted for. So, something had to give. I needed something I could do to make a few extra dollars while I had Louisa at home with me.

Enter Brownie-Goose. Honestly, a life-saver. It wasn't easy, and there were many days I wished I could put my scrubs back on and go back to the world of clocking in and out. But I held on through some rough times and here I am still, living to talk about it.

I never would have imagined that 7 years later I would still be riding the roller coaster also known as BG. But I am so very grateful, thankful, appreciative and LUCKY that I am. I could not and would not be here without all of the amazing customers, dubbed the geese, that back me every day. I heart you all. I really, really do.

So, I am celebrating this week! Here's to 7 LUCKY years of another career that I love. And I want to share that celebration with all of you. I have a really, really fun week planned.

  • For starters, all patterns are marked down to $7.00 in the shop. This will continue until midnight EST on Sunday.  Wahooooo!
  • And who likes giveaways? Well, the amazing girls behind the Brownie-Goose Online Showcase are also celebrating a birthday this week with a fantastic giveaway. You do NOT want to miss this. So, check out their page for all of the details!

  • Next up, tomorrow I am LUCKY to be on the Lulabelle Blog Tour for Riley Blake Designs. I sewed up 2 outfits for Louisa that I cannot wait to show you! One is a dress that I mashed the bodice of 3 different BG patterns and will show you how you can do the same! The other is a version of the Lottie skirt that I will have a tutorial post on Wednesday. Oh I cannot hardly wait!
  • And the best part...quite possibly, I sure hope to have my newest....LUNA in the shop for you. My testers have just finished knocking it out of the parks with this one, so now it is up to me to get it all polished and ready for you! Oh I cannot even begin with how much I adore this dress. 

Clearly, this little one does too. :)

So, as always...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for being the best geese out there. I wouldn't be so lucky without you all. You are the best and I appreciate you having my back. ;)

Xoxo - amy


  1. Awesome!!
    So happy BG was one of the first designers I found when I started sewing! I big puffy, heart BG ♡♡♡♡!

  2. We love BG- Happy birthday to my favorite pattern company!!! <3 <3 <3

  3. Love this. I'm currently in your old shoes on this one--staying at home with my 2-year old girl (im an RN as well) while my husband is finishing his last 2 years of fellowship--it has been tough! Learning to sew (often your patterns) has been a life-saver for my sanity on some days. You get it, I'm sure. Happy Birthday BG!

  4. Happy Birthday to the best loved pattern company I know!! You do an awesome job of making sewing fun and your customers happy!!

  5. <3 your story! My husband finished residency and I left my peds nursing job shortly after he started residency, two years later I started to sew more and started a small business going to make some money. My heart was called back home so now I just sew for my babies (5 , 3, and 6 months). I love BG and look forward to supporting you and BG! My favorite the tilly is a staple in my Isabella's ward robe! Thank you for all you do! --Eliza ☺️
