Wednesday, September 17, 2014

lots of BG fun in the next few weeks!

okay, so while i was busy falling off the face of the earth i also did a little bit of falling off the face of organization. my bad. it happens quickly and then it snowballs and then i (who hates snow) try my best to crawl my way out from the bottom of that big fat snowball and find fresh air again. 

well, today i have my delicious fall candle burning and i am pawing my way out looking for fresh air. enough with the code talk...this is what i am up to. 

i am trying to organize my next few weeks and i must admit, i LOVE to color coordinate my planner and am so very excited about all of the fun stuff that is going on in the next few weeks for brownie-goose. 

so, ladies...get out your fall candles, your fave pens and your calendar and let's set some dates! these are so not chronically correct, i am not that organized. :)

  • Flip this Pattern - i am so very excited to announce that the hattie was chosen for the october pattern to flip. if you are new to flip this pattern it is such a fun, fun time where bloggers take their creativity and place spins on patterns and their creations are voted upon. this is a fave of mine because i absolutely love to see how creative people are. i love to see what spins are put on patterns and where people's design takes them. it is a lot of fun and there is a linky part that runs from Oct 7-23 that i encourage you to participate in as there are prizes at the end! follow frances suzanne on facebook for more details for this upcoming event.

  • Brownie Goose Online Showcase - this is a first and must not miss ladies! A group of very talented girls have gotten together to bring you the very first online showcase featuring BG patterns. the date for the online showcase is Nov. 10 - but the fun starts even before that with the introduction of the girls behind the showcase and a little on the girl behind BG too. and did i mention there was going to be a giveaway for some BG patterns? eeeeeeks! for more details, follow the showcase on facebook. this will be a ton of fun!

  • Lily Ruffler upsize - finally, right? again, you have asked. and asked, and asked and waited so patiently but the day will soon be here! i don't have a date just yet but know that the pattern has been graded up to a size 12 and will soon be in the shop as an upsize, just as i have done before with the darbys, lolas and summer sailors. get excited. lily rufflers forever!

  • Cricket Sew Along - last but certainly not least...the cricket sew along. i have been shamelessly teasing you for days with pictures on this but not a whole lot of information (remember, i have been under a snowball). well, time to put a stop to that right now! for BG sew alongs, i like to show different ways to make the pattern - giving it a little tweak here and there so that you can add versatility to your kiddo's wardrobe and so that you can get many looks from one pattern. more bang for your buck. i am all about that! so, for this sew along i will be showing you 2 different ways to add an elastic waistband to your cricket. one will be with clear elastic and the other will be with a casing allowing a bow. fun, right? here are the dates you need: 
      • sunday 9/28 - the cricket will be on sale in the etsy shop for those that haven't purchased it before. there is no need for a code, the discount will be done on my end and already marked down the in the shop. don't miss out. buy your pattern and get it taped together and ready to go!
      • monday 9/29 - friday 10/3 the sew along is on the blog! i will split it up in days as i have done before with other sew alongs. while this is going on - make sure to join the brownie-goose lovers group on facebook so that you can share photos, tips, questions, etc. throughout the week. 
      • friday 10/3 to sunday 10/12 - upload your cricket creations to the sew along album that will be created on the brownie-goose lovers group. i am giving everyone a little over a week because life happens, i totally understand that. there is a good chance the girl behind BG may be running from another snowball at that point. 
      • monday 10/13 - i will will pick 2 winners FROM THE ALBUM randomly and they will each get 2 BG patterns of their choice and a $25 gift certificate to hawthorne threads. pretty awesome, right?

get thee behind me snowball! phew, dates are set and calendar is marked. there is more info that i need to divulge for the sew along regarding materials needed, sizing, etc. so that everyone can prepare. that post will be published very soon. promise. i just had to get this done first so i could breathe some fresh air!

now, who's excited about all that is coming up!!!????

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